[IMS] Cx Interface 호처리 정리

[IMS] Cx Interface 호처리 정리

IMS 서비스 호처리(Cx)

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IMS Diameter 메시지

Command NameSrcDestAbbr
Cx Interface   

1. Cx Interface 절차의 기능 분류

  1. 위치 관리 절차

    • 위치 등록 및 등록 취소 관련 작업
    • 위치 검색(retrieval) 작업
  2. User Data Handling 절차

    • 등록 중에 사용자 정보를 다운로드하고 복구 메커니즘을 지원하는 작업
    • 사용자 데이터의 업데이트와 복구 메커니즘을 지원하는 작업
  3. User 인증 절차

  4. S-CSCF 서비스 interruption을 지원하는 IMS Restoration 절차

2. 가입자 권한 검증(Cx / User-Authorization Req/Ans , UAR/UAA)

User registration status query

  • SIP registrations 중에 I-CSCF 와 HSS 사이에서 사용되는 절차
  • Cx-Query 및 Cx-Select-Pull
  • distinct Public User Identity의 등록을 인증하려면, multimedia subsystem 접근 권한 및 로밍 계약을 확인
  • 메시지의 distinct Public User Identity가 메시지에서 보낸 Private User Identity와 연관되는지 여부를 확인하기 위해서 첫 번째 보안 검사를 수행
  • distinct Public User Identity가 등록 또는 등록 취소된 S-CSCF 또는 S-CSCF가 지원해야하는 capability들의 목록을 얻음

2.1. Request 주요 AVPs

  1. Public-Identity

    Public User Identity to be registered

  2. Visited-Network-Identifier

    Identifier that allows the home network to identify the visited network

  3. User-Authorization-Type

    Type of authorization requested by the I-CSCF.

  4. User-Name

    Private User Identity

2.2. Response 주요 AVPs

  1. Server-Capabilities

    Required capabilities of the S-CSCF to be assigned to the IMS Subscription.

  2. Server-Name

    Name of the assigned S-CSCF.

3. 가입자 인증(Cx / Multimedia-Auth Req/Ans , MAR/MAA)

Authentication procedures

  • End User와 Home IMS Network 간의 인증을 위한 정보를 교환하기 위해 S-CSCF 와 HSS 사이에서 사용되는 절차
  • Cx-AV-Req 및 Cx-AV-Req-Resp
  • HSS 에서 인증 벡터(authentication vectors)를 검색(retrieve)
  • 이 기능을 지원하는 인증 방식(예, IMS-AKA)을 위해 UE와 HSS의 sequence numbers 간의 동기화 실패를 해결
  • NASS-level의 인증 결과를 IMS level로 승격(promote)합니다.
  • HSS에서 GPRS-IMS-Bundled Authentication(GIBA)에 대한 IP 주소 보안 바인딩 정보를 검색합니다.
접기/펼치기 This procedure is used between the S-CSCF and the HSS to exchange information to support the authentication between the end user and the home IMS network. The procedure is invoked by the S-CSCF, corresponds to the combination of the operations Cx-AV-Req and Cx-AV-Req-Resp (see TS 33.203 [3]) and is used: - To retrieve authentication vectors from the HSS. - To resolve synchronization failures between the sequence numbers in the UE and the HSS for authentication schemes that support this capability (e.g. IMS-AKA). - To promote the result of the NASS-level authentication to the IMS level. - To retrieve the IP-address secure binding information for GPRS-IMS-Bundled Authentication (GIBA) from the HSS. This procedure is mapped to the commands Multimedia-Auth-Request/Answer in the Diameter application specified in TS 29.229 [5]. Tables 6.3.1 through 6.3.7 detail the involved information elements.

3.1. Request 주요 AVPs

  1. Public-Identity

    This information element contains the Distinct Public User Identity of the user

  2. User-Name

    This information element contains the Private User Identity

  3. SIP-Number-Auth-Items

    This information element indicates the number of authentication vectors requested. Certain authentication schemes do not support more than one set of authentication vectors (e.g. SIP Digest, GIBA).

  4. SIP-Auth-Data-Item

    1. SIP-Authentication-Scheme

      This information element indicates the authentication scheme.

      See 3GPP TS 29.229 [5] for a list of values

    2. SIP-Authentication-Context

      This information element shall contain authentication-related information relevant for performing the authentication.

      It shall be absent for IMS-AKA authentication schemes.

    3. SIP-Authorization

      This information element shall only be present for a request due to an IMS-AKA synchronization failure.

      If present, only IMS-AKA authentication schemes are allowed.

  5. Server-Name

    This information element contains the name (SIP URL) of the S-CSCF.

3.2. Response 주요 AVPs

  1. Public-Identity

    Public User Identity. It shall be present when the result is DIAMETER_SUCCESS.

  2. User-Name

    Private User Identity. It shall be present when the result is DIAMETER_SUCCESS.

  3. SIP-Number-Auth-Items

    This information element indicates the number of authentication vectors delivered in the Authentication Data information element.

    It shall be present when the result is DIAMETER_SUCCESS.

    For SIP Digest, NASS Bundled authentication and GIBA this AVP shall be set to a value of 1.

  4. SIP-Auth-Data-Item

    If the SIP-Number-Auth-Items AVP is equal to zero or it is not present, then this information element shall not be present.

    1. SIP-Item-Number

      This information element shall only be present for IMS-AKA authentication schemes.

      This information element shall be present when there are multiple occurrences of the Authentication Data information element in the Authentication Request Response, and the order in which they should be processed is significant.

      In this scenario, Authentication Data information elements with a low Item Number information element value should be processed before Authentication Data information elements with a high Item Number information element value.

    2. SIP-Authentication-Scheme

      This information element indicates the authentication scheme.

    3. SIP-Authenticate

      This information element shall only be present for IMS-AKA authentication schemes.

    4. SIP-Authorization

      This information element shall only be present for IMS-AKA authentication schemes.

    5. Confidentiality-Key

      This information element shall be present for IMS AKA authentication schemes.

    It shall contain the confidentiality key.

    1. Integrity-Key

      This information element shall only be present for IMS-AKA authentication schemes.

      This information element shall contain the integrity key.

4. 위치 등록 처리(Cx / Server-Assignment Req/Ans , SAR/SAA)

S-CSCF registration/deregistration notification

  • S-CSCF 와 HSS 사이에서 사용되는 절차
  • Cx-Put 및 Cx-Pull
  • S-CSCF에 Public Identity를 지정하거나(assign), 하나 이상의 Public Identities에 지정된 S-CSCF의 이름을 지움(clear)
  • HSS에서 S-CSCF 관련(relevant) 사용자 정보를 다운로드
  • HSS에서 S-CSCF Restoration Information을 백업 및 검색(retrieve), TS 23.380 참고
  • HSS에게 P-CSCF Restoration Indication을 제공하고 P-CSCF Restoration 매커니즘을 촉발(trigger)시킴

4.1. Request 주요 AVPs

  1. Public-Identity

    Public Identity or list of Public Identities.


    If Server-Assignment-Type indicates deregistration of some type and Private Identity is not present in the request, at least one Public Identity shall be present.

  2. Server-Name

    Name of the S-CSCF.

  3. User-Name

    Private Identity.

    It shall be present if it is available when the S-CSCF issues the request.

    It may be absent during the initiation of a session to an unregistered Public Identity (Server-Assignment-Type shall contain the value UNREGISTERED_USER) or after S-CSCF recovery upon originating request different than REGISTER (Server-Assignment-Type shall contain the value NO_ASSIGNMENT).

    In case of de-registration, Server-Assignment-Type equal to TIMEOUT_DEREGISTRATION, ADMINISTRATIVE_DEREGISTRATION, DEREGISTRATION_TOO_MUCH_DATA or TIMEOUT_DEREGISTRATION_STORE_SERVER_NAME if no Public-Identity AVPs are present then User-Name AVP shall be present.

  4. Server-Assignment-Type

    Type of update, request or notification that the S-CSCF requests in the HSS (e.g: de-registration). See 3GPP TS 29.229 [5] for all the possible values.

  5. User-Data-Already-Available

    This indicates if the user profile and charging information and, if supported and present in the subscription, allowed WAF and/or WWSF identities are already available in the S-CSCF.

    In the case where Server-Assignment-Type is not equal to NO_ASSIGNMENT, REGISTRATION, RE_REGISTRATION or UNREGISTERED_USER, the HSS shall not use User Data Already Available when processing the request.

  6. SCSCF-Restoration-Info

    When the S-CSCF supports IMS Restoration Procedures, if Server-Assignment-Type is REGISTRATION or RE_REGISTRATION, and any of the related restoration information changed compared to the previous one, the S-CSCF shall send this information element to the HSS. This information allows a later retrieval in case of an S-CSCF service interruption.

4.2. Response 주요 AVPs

  1. User-Name

    Private Identity.

    It shall be present if it is available when the HSS sends the response.

    It may be absent in the following error case: when the Server-Assignment-Type of the request is UNREGISTERED_USER and the received Public Identity is not known by the HSS.

  2. User-Data

    Relevant user profile.

    It shall be present when Server-Assignment-Type in the request is equal to NO_ASSIGNMENT, REGISTRATION, RE_REGISTRATION or UNREGISTERED_USER according to the rules defined in clause 6.6.

    If the S-CSCF receives more data than it is prepared to accept, it shall perform the de-registration of the Private Identity with Server-Assignment-Type set to DEREGISTRATION_TOO_MUCH_DATA and send back a SIP 3xx or 480 (Temporarily Unavailable) response, which shall trigger the selection of a new S-CSCF by the I-CSCF, as specified in 3GPP TS 24.229 [8].

  3. Charging-Information

    Addresses of the charging functions.

    It shall be present when the User-Data AVP is sent to the S-CSCF according to the rules defined in clause 6.6.

    When this parameter is included, either the Primary-Charging-Collection-Function-Name AVP or the Primary-Event-Charging-Function-Name AVP shall be included. All other elements shall be included if they are available.

  4. SCSCF-Restoration-Info

    This information shall be present if it was stored by the S-CSCF in the HSS and Server-Assignment-Type is either UNREGISTERED_USER or NO_ASSIGNMENT.

    This information shall also be present if it was stored by the S-CSCF in the HSS and the SAR indicates it is related to a multiple registration and Server-Assignment-Type is REGISTRATION.

    This information may be present if it was stored by the S-CSCF in the HSS and Server-Assignment-Type is either REGISTRATION or RE-REGISTRATION and there are other Private Identities different from the Private Identity received in the SAR command being registered with the Public Identity received in the SAR command.

5. 위치 삭제 처리(Cx / Registration-Termination Req/Ans , RTR/RTA)

Network initiated de-registration by the HSS, administrative

HSS에 의해 네트워크 등록 취소가 시작된 경우, HSS는 Public Identities의 상태를 Not Registered로 변경하고 de-register할 identities를 나타내는 notification을 S-CSCF에게 보냄

5.1. Request 주요 AVPs

  1. Public-Identity

    It contains the list of Public Identities that are de-registered, in the form of SIP URL or TEL URL.

    Public-Identity AVP shall be present if the de-registration reason code is NEW_SERVER_ASSIGNED. It may be present with the other reason codes.

  2. User-Name

    It contains the Private Identity in the form of a NAI. The HSS shall always send a Private Identity that is known to the S-CSCF based on an earlier SAR/SAA procedure.

  3. Deregistration-Reason

    The HSS shall send to the S-CSCF a reason for the de-registration. The de-registration reason is composed of two parts: one textual message (if available) that is intended to be forwarded to the user that is de-registered, and one reason code (see 3GPP TS 29.229 [5]) that determines the behaviour of the S-CSCF

  4. Destination-Host

    It contains the name of the S-CSCF which originated the last update of the name of the multimedia server stored in the HSS for a given IMS Subscription. The address of the S-CSCF is the same as the Origin-Host AVP in the message sent from the S-CSCF.

5.2. Response 주요 AVPs

  1. Result-Code / Experimental-Result

    This information element indicates the result of de-registration.

    Result-Code AVP shall be used for errors defined in the Diameter base protocol (see IETF RFC 6733 [31]).

    Experimental-Result AVP shall be used for Cx/Dx errors. This is a grouped AVP which contains the 3GPP Vendor ID in the Vendor-Id AVP, and the error code in the Experimental-Result-Code AVP.

6. 가입자 정보 변경(Cx / Push-Profile Req/Ans , PPR/PPA )

HSS initiated update of User Information

이 절차는 HSS가 S-CSCF에서 아래 사용자 정보 중 하나 이상을 업데이트 하기 위해 사용함

  • User profile information and/or
  • Charging information and/or
  • Allowed WAF and/or WWSF Identities and/or
  • SIP Digest authentication information in the S-CSCF.

6.1. Request 주요 AVPs

  1. User-Name

    Private Identity.

    The HSS shall always send a Private Identity that is known to the S-CSCF based on an earlier SAR/SAA procedure.

  2. User-Data

    Updated user profile (see clauses and 6.6.1), with the format defined in chapter 7.7.

    It shall be present if the user profile is changed in the HSS. If the User-Data AVP is not present, the SIP-Auth-Data-Item or Charging-Information AVP or Allowed-WAF-WWSF-Identities AVP shall be present.

  3. Charging-Information

    Addresses of the charging functions.

    It shall be present if the charging addresses are changed in the HSS. If the Charging-Information AVP is not present, the SIP-Auth-Data-Item or User-Data AVP or Allowed-WAF-WWSF-Identities AVP shall be present.

    When this parameter is included, either the Primary-Charging-Collection-Function-Name AVP or the Primary-Event-Charging-Function-Name AVP shall be included. All other charging information shall be included if it is available.

  4. Destination-Host

    It contains the name of the S-CSCF which originated the last update of the name of the multimedia server stored in the HSS for a given IMS Subscription. The address of the S-CSCF is the same as the Origin-Host AVP in the message sent from the S-CSCF.

6.2. Response 주요 AVPs

  1. Result-Code / Experimental-Result

    This information element indicates the result of the update of User Profile in the S-CSCF.

    Result-Code AVP shall be used for errors defined in the Diameter base protocol (see IETF RFC 6733 [31]).

    Experimental-Result AVP shall be used for Cx/Dx errors. This is a grouped AVP which contains the 3GPP Vendor ID in the Vendor-Id AVP, and the error code in the Experimental-Result-Code AVP.

7. 가입자 위치 질의(Cx / Location-Information Req/Ans , LIR/LIA)

User location query

I-CSCF와 HSS 간에 Public Identity에 할당된 S-CSCF Name을 얻는데 사용.

7.1. Request 주요 AVPs

  1. Public-Identity

    Public Identity

  2. Destination-Host, Destination-Realm

    If the I-CSCF knows HSS name Destination-Host AVP shall be present in the command. Otherwise, only Destination-Realm AVP shall be present and the command shall be routed to the next Diameter node, e.g. SLF, based on the Diameter routing table in the I-CSCF.

  3. User-Authorization-Type

    This information element shall be present and set to REGISTRATION_AND_CAPABILITIES by the I-CSCF if IMS Restoration Procedures are supported and the S-CSCF currently assigned to the Public User Identity in the HSS cannot be contacted.

7.2. Response 주요 AVPs

  1. Server-Name

    Name of the assigned S-CSCF for basic IMS routing or the name of the AS for direct routing.

  2. Server-Capabilities

    It contains the information to help the I-CSCF in the selection of the S-CSCF.

Cx interface AVP에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참고

Registration Flow

23228 5.2.2 Registration Flows 참고

1. Registration information flow – User not registered

Figure 5.1: Registration – User not registered

[Figure 5.1: Registration – User not registered]

2. Re-Registration information flow – User currently registered

Figure 5.2: Re-registration - user currently registered

[Figure 5.2: Re-registration - user currently registered]

S-CSCF Restoration 관련 자료

참고 자료

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[IMS] Sh Interface 호처리 정리