[IMS] Sh Interface AVP 정리

[IMS] Sh Interface AVP 정리

Sh Interface AVPs

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Sh interface의 AVPs 중 일부를 발췌해서 정리

User-Identity AVP

type : Grouped

IMS Public User Identity, Public Service Identity, MSISDN 또는 External Identifier 중 하나가 포함된다.

접기/펼치기 - 29.329 The User-Identity AVP is of type Grouped. This AVP contains either a Public- Identity AVP or an MSISDN AVP or an External-Identifier AVP. - 29.328 | Information element name | Mapping to Diameter AVP | Description | | -------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | IMS Public User Identity / Public Service Identity | Public-Identity | IMS Public User Identity or Public Service Identity for which data is required. If the MSISDNand External Identifier are is not included in the User-Identity AVP, the Public-Identity AVP shall be included in Sh messages only for allowed Data References as described in Table 7.6.1. | | MSISDN | MSISDN | MSISDN for which data is required. If the Public-Identity AVP and External Identifier are not included in the User-Identity AVP, the MSISDN AVP shall be included in the Sh-Pull or Sh-Subs-Notif or Sh-Update messages only for allowed Data References as described in Table 7.6.1. | | External Identifier | External-Identifier | External Identifier for which data is required. If the Public-Identity AVP and MSISDN are not included in the User-Identity AVP, the External Identifier AVP shall be included in the Sh-Pull or Sh-Subs-Notif or Sh-Update messages only for allowed Data References as described in Table 7.6.1. |

Identity-Set AVP

type : Enumerated

요청된 IMS Public Identity의 집합을 나타낸다.

Data-Reference AVPIMSPublicIdentity 항목을 참고

접기/펼치기 The Identity-Set AVP is of type Enumerated and indicates the requested set of IMS Public Identities. The following values are defined: ALL_IDENTITIES (0) REGISTERED_IDENTITIES (1) IMPLICIT_IDENTITIES (2) ALIAS_IDENTITIES (3)

Service-Indication AVP

type : OctetString

AS의 서비스 또는 서비스 집합과 HSS의 관련 repository data를 식별하게 해주는 Service Indication.

transparent data와 연관된 서비스의 집합을 구분할 수 있게 해주는 식별자

접기/펼치기 - 29.329 The Service-Indication AVP is of type OctetString. This AVP contains the Service Indication that identifies a service or a set of services in an AS and the related repository data in the HSS. Standardized values of Service-Indication identifying a standardized service or set of services in the AS and standardized format of the related repository data are defined in 3GPP TS 29.364 [10]. - 29.328 Identifier of one set of service related transparent data, which is stored in an HSS in an operator network per Public Identity. The HSS shall allocate memory space to implement a data repository to store transparent data per IMS Public User Identity or Public Service Identity and value of Service Indication with a Sequence Number for verification. For Public Service Identities matching a Wildcarded Public Service Identity, the repository data shall be stored per Wildcarded Public Service Identity and not for each specific Public Service Identity.

Data-Reference AVP

type : Enumerated

UDRSNR 메시지에서 요청한 가입자 데이터의 유형을 나타낸다.

접기/펼치기 The Data-Reference AVP is of type Enumerated, and indicates the type of the requested user data in the operation UDR and SNR. Its exact values and meaning is defined in 3GPP TS 29.328 [1]. The following values are defined (more details are given in 3GPP TS 29.328 [1]): RepositoryData (0) IMSPublicIdentity (10) IMSUserState (11) S-CSCFName (12) InitialFilterCriteria (13) This value is used to request initial filter criteria relevant to the requesting AS LocationInformation (14) UserState (15) ChargingInformation (16) MSISDN (17) PSIActivation (18) DSAI (19) ServiceLevelTraceInfo (21) IPAddressSecureBindingInformation (22) ServicePriorityLevel (23) SMSRegistrationInfo (24) UEReachabilityForIP (25) TADSinformation (26) STN-SR (27) UE-SRVCC-Capability (28) ExtendedPriority (29) CSRN (30) ReferenceLocationInformation (31) IMSI (32) IMSPrivateUserIdentity (33)

Data accessible via Sh interface

Data Reference 중 일부만 발췌

Data Ref.XML tagDefined inAccess keyOperations
0RepositoryData7.6.1Data Reference
+ ( IMS Public User Identity OR Public Service Identity )
+ Service Indication
(Note 1, Note 3)
10IMSPublicIdentity7.6.2Data Reference
+ ( IMS Public User Identiy OR Public Service Identity OR MSISDN OR External Identifier )
+ [ Requested Identity Set ]
11IMSUserState7.6.3Data Reference
+ IMS Public User Identity
12S-CSCFName7.6.4Data Reference
+ ( IMS Public User Identity OR Public Service Identity )
(Note 1)
13InitialFilterCriteria7.6.5Data Reference
+ ( IMS Public User Identity OR Public Service Identity )
+ Application Server Name
(Note 1)
14LocationInformation7.6.6Data Reference
+ ( IMS Public User Identity OR MSISDN OR External Identifier )
+ [ Private Identity ]
+ Requested Domain
+ Current Location
+ [ Serving Node Indication ]
+ [ Requested Nodes ]
+ [ Local Time Zone Indication ]
+ [ RAT-Type Requested ]
(Note 5)
(Note 6)
(Note 7)
15UserState7.6.7Data Reference
+ ( IMS Public User Identity OR MSISDN OR External Identifier )
+ [ Private Identity ]
+ Requested Domain
+ [ Requested Nodes ]
(Note 5)
(Note 7)
16Charging information7.6.8Data Reference
+ ( IMS Public User Identity OR Public Service Identity OR MSISDN OR External Identifier )
17MSISDN or MSISDN +ExtendedMSISDN7.6.9Data Reference
+ ( IMS Public User Identity OR MSISDN OR External Identifier )
+ [ Private Identity ]
(Note 4)
18PSIActivation7.6.10Data Reference
+ IMS Public Service Identity
(Note 1)
19DSAI7.6.11Data Reference
+ ( IMS Public User Identity OR Public Service Identity )
+ DSAI Tag
+ Application Server Name
(Note 1)
21ServiceLevelTraceInfo7.6.13Data Reference
+ ( IMS Public User Identity OR MSISDN OR External Identifier )
22IP Address Secure Binding Information7.6.14Data Reference
+ IMS Public User Identity
23Service Priority Level7.6.15Data Reference
+ IMS Public User Identity
24SMSRegistrationInfo7.6.16Data Reference
+ ( IMS Public User Identity OR MSISDN OR External Identifier )
+ [ Private Identity ]
(Note 5)
25UE reachability for IP7.6.17Data Reference
+ ( IMS Public User Identity OR MSISDN OR External Identifier )
+ [ Private Identity ]
(Note 5)
26T-ADS Information7.6.18Data Reference
+ ( IMS Public User Identity OR MSISDN )
+ [ Private Identity ]
(Note 5)
27STN-SR7.6.20Data Reference
+ ( IMS Public User Identity OR MSISDN )
+ [ Private Identity ]
(Note 5)
28UE-SRVCC- Capability7.6.21Data Reference
+ ( IMS Public User Identity OR MSISDN )
+ [ Private Identity ]
(Note 5)
29ExtendedPriority7.6.15AData Reference
+ IMS Public User Identity
30CSRN7.6.22Data Reference
+ ( IMS Public User Identity OR MSISDN )
+ [ Private Identity ]
(Note 5)
31Reference Location Information7.6.23Data Reference
+ IMS Public User Identity
+ [ Private Identity ]
(Note 5)
32IMSI7.6.24Data Reference
+ ( IMS Public User Identity OR MSISDN OR External Identifier )
+ [ Private Identity ]
(Note 5)
(Note 8)
33IMSPrivateUserIdentity7.6.25Data Reference
+ IMS Public User Identity
(Note 8)
34IMEISV7.6.26Data Reference
+ ( IMS Public User Identity OR MSISDN OR External Identifier )
+ [ Private Identity ]
(Note 5)

Repository Data

transparent 데이터가 포함되어 있다. 하나의 Data Repository는 동일한 서비스를 구현하는 둘 이상의 AS가 공유할 수 있다.

접기/펼치기 This information element contains transparent data. A data repository may be shared by more than one AS implementing the same service.


Identity-Set AVP의 값에 따라서 포함되는 내용이 다르다.


    • User-Identity AVP에 포함된 PuID와 같은 IRS(implicit registration set)에 속하는 모든 non-barred IMS Public Identity들을 제공
    • User-Identity AVP가 Public Service Identity인 경우 HSS는 요청에서 받은 User Identity만 리턴해야함

    • User-Identity AVP에 포함된 PuID와 같은 Alias Public User Identity Set에 속하는 모든 non-barred IMS Public Identity들을 제공
    • User-Identity AVP가 MSISDN, Public Service Identity, External Identifier인 경우에는 이 값에 applicable 하지 않음

    • User-Identity AVP에 포함된 IMS Public Identity, MSISDN, External Identifier와 관련된 모든 non-barred Private Identity를 제공
    • User-Identity AVP가 PuID인 경우 응답에 Identity들을 리턴하지 않음

    • User-Identity AVP와 관련된 모든 Private Identities에 속하는 모든 non-barred IMS Public Identites를 제공
접기/펼치기 This data contents included in the Sh-Pull Resp, Sh-Subs-Notif Resp or Sh-Notif depends on whether Requested Identity Set information element was included in the Sh-Pull or Sh-Subs-Notif, as follows: - When this information element takes the value IMPLICIT_IDENTITIES, the HSS shall provide all non-barred IMS Public Identities that belong to the same implicit registration set as the IMS Public Identity included in the message in the User-Identity AVP. The MSISDN and External Identifier within the User-Identity AVP are not applicable for this value. If the User Identity is a Public Service Identity, the HSS shall return only the User Identity received in the request. - When this information element takes the value ALIAS_IDENTITIES, the HSS shall provide all non-barred IMS Public User Identities that are in the same Alias Public User Identity Set as the IMS Public User Identity included in the message in the User-Identity AVP (see 3GPP TS 23.008 [27] for the definition of Alias Public User Identity Set). The MSISDN, the Public Service Identity and the External Identifier within the User-Identity AVP are not applicable for this value. - When this information element takes the value REGISTERED_IDENTITIES, the HSS shall provide all non-barred IMS Public Identities whose state is registered, belonging to all Private Identities that the IMS Public Identity or MSISDN or External Identifier in the User-Identity AVP is associated with. If the User Identity is a Public Service Identity, the HSS shall return no identities in the response. - When this information element takes the value ALL_IDENTITIES, the HSS shall provide all non-barred IMS Public Identities, belonging to all Private Identities that the User Identity is associated with. - When this information element is not included, the HSS shall download the set of IMS Public Identities that would be downloaded if the value of this information element had been ALL_IDENTITIES. An IMS Public Identity would be either: - associated with the same Private User Identity or Private Service Identity as the User Identity included in the request or - associated with the MSISDN present in the request or - associated with an External Identifier present in the request. Multiple instances of this information element may be included in the message.

IMS User State

참조된 Public Identifier의 IMS User State가 포함된다. 아래와 같은 값들이 가능하다.

접기/펼치기 This information element contains the IMS User State of the public identifier referenced. Its possible values are: - REGISTERED, - NOT_REGISTERED, - AUTHENTICATION_PENDING, - REGISTERED_UNREG_SERVICES. If the IMS Public User Identity is shared between multiple Private User Identities, HSS shall indicate the most registered state of the shared IMS Public User Identity to an AS. The most registered state of a shared IMS Public User Identity is defined as follows: - If the shared IMS Public User Identity is registered with any of the Private User Identities, the most registered state of the shared IMS Public User Identity is REGISTERED. - If the shared IMS Public User Identity is not currently registered with any of the Private User Identities, but it is in state REGISTERED_UNREG_SERVICES, then the most registered state of the shared IMS Public User Identity is REGISTERED_UNREG_SERVICES. - If the shared IMS Public User Identity is not currently registered with any of the Private User Identities, and it is not in state REGISTERED_UNREG_SERVICES, but it is in the process of being authenticated with any of the Private User Identities, then the most registered state of the shared IMS Public User Identity is AUTHENTICATION_PENDING. - If the shared IMS Public User Identity is not currently registered with any of the Private User Identities, and it is not in state REGISTERED_UNREG_SERVICES, and it is not in the process of being authenticated with any of the Private User Identities, then the most registered state of the shared IMS Public User Identity is NOT_REGISTERED.


IMS Subscription에 포함된 S-CSCF의 이름

접기/펼치기 This information element contains the name of the S CSCF assigned to the IMS Subscription.

Initial Filter Criteria

서비스에 대한 트리거 정보가 포함되어 있음 (IFC에 대한 정보는 복잡하니 다른 문서에 따로 정리할 예정)

접기/펼치기 This information element contains the triggering information for a service. For a more detailed description, refer to 3GPP TS 23.218 [4] and 3GPP TS 29.228 [6].

Location Information

Requested 도메인과 Requested 노드에 따라 그에 맞는 Location 정보를 준다.

접기/펼치기 This information element contains: - the location of the served subscriber in the MSC/VLR if the requested domain is CS, or - the location of the served subscriber in the SGSN if the requested domain is PS and either the requested node is SGSN or the requested node is not present, or - the location of the served subscriber in the MME if the requested domain is PS and the requested nodes is MME, or - the locations of the served subscriber in the 3GPP AAA Server for TWAN if the requested domain is PS and the requested nodes indicates 3GPP AAA SERVER for TWAN, or - the locations of the served subscriber in the MME and the SGSN and 3GPP AAA Server for TWAN if the requested domain is PS and the requested nodes are MME and SGSN and 3GPP AAA SERVER for TWAN, or - the locations of the served subscriber in any of the two serving nodes among the MME, the SGSN and 3GPP AAA Server for TWAN if the requested domain is PS and the requested nodes indicates the corresponding nodes for which the location are to be requested, or - the location of the served subscriber in the AMF (for 3GPP access) if the requested domain is PS and the requested nodes is AMF. If the HSS has to communicate with the MSC/VLR or SGSN and/or MME and/or 3GPP AAA Server to retrieve location information, it shall make use of the service MAP-PROVIDE-SUBSCRIBER-INFO or S6a/S6d-IDR or SWx-PPR. This information element shall contain the location information as received from the access nodes. If the HSS cannot communicate with the VLR or SGSN or MME (e.g., because the UE is purged), or if the HSS cannot retrieve the location information from the serving nodes because they do not support such feature, the HSS shall provide locally stored location information if available (e.g., serving node name, Visited PLMN ID) received in a previous Update Location message, and the last known UE's location if available e.g. as received in the Purge message from VLR or SGSN or MME. If the Serving Node Indication was present in the request, the location information shall contain the serving node address(es) as stored in the HSS, according to the requested domain and the requested nodes (if received). Other location information may be absent, in order to eliminate unnecessary communication with the MSC/VLR or SGSN and/or MME and/or 3GPP AAA Server when the AS does not require these information elements. For both Location Information for CS and Location Information for GPRS, the considerations described in 3GPP TS 23.078 [14] apply.

User state

Requested-Domain/Requested-Node 이 나타내는 domain/node에서의 User Identity의 상태를 표시해준다.

접기/펼치기 This information element indicates the state of the User Identity in the domain/node indicated by the Requested-Domain/Requested-Node (see 7.2), with the values specified in 3GPP TS 23.078 [14] for Subscriber State and PS Domain Subscriber State, and with the values specified in 3GPP TS 29.272 [31] for EPS User State and 3GPP TS 29.518 [47] for the 5GS User State. - The HSS shall make use of the operation MAP-PROVIDE-SUBSCRIBER-INFO towards the MSC/VLR to obtain this information if the requested domain is CS. - The HSS shall make use of the operation S6a-IDR towards the MME to obtain this information if the requested domain is PS and the requested node is MME. - The HSS shall make use of the operation MAP-PROVIDE-SUBSCRIBER-INFO or S6d-IDR towards the SGSN to obtain this information if the requested domain is PS and either the requested node is SGSN or the requested node is not present. - The HSS shall make use of the operation S6a-IDR towards the MME and MAP-PROVIDE-SUBSCRIBER-INFO or S6d-IDR towards the SGSN to obtain this information if the requested domain is PS and the Requested Nodes is MME and SGSN. - The HSS/UDM shall make use of the Location-Report subscription of Namf_EventExposure Service towards the AMF to obtain this information if the requested domain is PS and the requested node is AMF. This information element shall contain the information as received from the access nodes.The HSS/UDM may retrieve the User States from the MME, SGSN or AMF within one procedure. The HSS shall include the value "NotProvidedFromSGSN or MME or AMF" in the "EPSUserState" / "PSUserState" / " Sh-5GSUserState" fields, if the MME, SGSN or AMF does not support the retrieval of User State over S6a/S6d-IDR/ Namf_EventExposure Service, or it did not provide any information on subscriber state even though it was requested by HSS.

Charging information

접기/펼치기 This information element contains the addresses of the charging functions: primary Online Charging Function (PrimaryEventChargingFunctionName), secondary Online Charging Function (SecondaryEventChargingFunctionName), primary Charging Data Function (PrimaryChargingCollectionFunctionName), and secondary Charging Data Function (SecondaryChargingCollectionFunctionName). When a clash occurs between the charging function address(es) received over the ISC interface and those received over the Sh interface, the address(es) received over the ISC interface should take precedence. NOTE: The use of the Sh interface to retrieve charging function addresses is not intended as a general-purpose alternative to receiving charging function addresses from the ISC interfaces. Rather, it is meant to address a special case where the AS needs to interact with the charging system before initiating a request to a user when the AS has not received the third party REGISTER for that user. The AS shall extract the FQDN of the DiameterURI in these information elements and may use it as content of the Destination-Host AVP for the Diameter accounting requests. The parent domain of the FQDN in the DiameterURI shall be used as Destination-Realm. The number of labels used for the Destination-Realm shall be determined before the Charging Information is provisioned and may be a configuration option. NOTE: A FQDN is an absolute domain name including a subdomain and its parent domain. The subdomain and the parent domain contain one or more labels separated by dots.


접기/펼치기 This information element contains the MSISDN, or the Basic MSISDN if multinumbering is used, that is associated with the User Identity present in the request. See 3GPP TS 23.012 [19] for Basic MSISDN definition. Multiple instances of this information element shall only occur if the Public User Identity is shared and no Private Identity was included in the request, otherwise only one instance shall be included in the message. If Additional-MSISDN feature is supported by the HSS but the AS has indicated that it does not support it, it is up to operator policy to decide what information is returned by the HSS, either what is provisioned in MSISDN or in Additional MSISDN (A-MSISDN).

UE reachability for IP

접기/펼치기 This information element reflects the change of URRP-MME and/or URRP-SGSN parameters and indicates whether the UE has become reachable, i.e. when the URRP-MME and/or URRP-SGSN parameters was set and has been cleared due to UE activity notification from the MME and/or the SGSN, see 3GPP TS 29.272 [26]. This information element also indicates whether the UE has become reachable at the AMF for 3GPP access and/or at the AMF for non 3GPP access. It consists of the following subordinate information elements: - UE-IP-REACHABILITY-MME. Its possible values are: - REACHABLE (0) - UE-IP-REACHABILITY-SGSN. Its possible values are: - REACHABLE (0) - UE-IP-REACHABILITY-AMF-3GPP. Its possible values are: - REACHABLE (0) - UE-IP-REACHABILITY-AMF-NON-3GPP. Its possible values are: - REACHABLE (0)

T-ADS Information

접기/펼치기 This information element indicates the RAT type that is serving the UE and whether or not IMS voice over PS Session is supported at the current Routing Area/Tracking Area. The HSS shall make use of the appropriate S6a operation towards the MME and/or S6d/MAP operation towards the SGSN to retrieve the T-ADS information. The UDM/HSS shall make use of appropriate Namf service operation towards the AMF to retrieve the T-ADS information. The possible values for IMS voice over PS Session support are: - IMS-VOICE-OVER-PS-NOT-SUPPORTED (0) - IMS-VOICE-OVER-PS-SUPPORTED (1) - IMS-VOICE-OVER-PS-SUPPORT-UNKNOWN (2) The possibles values of RAT type are specified in 3GPP TS 29.212 [28], subclause 5.3.31.

Private Identity

접기/펼치기 This information element contains the IMS Private User Identity or the IMSI. See 3GPP TS 23.003 [17]).


접기/펼치기 This information element indicates the Session Transfer Number for SRVCC (see 3GPP TS 23.003 [11]). When STN-SR is updated, the HSS shall make use of the service S6a/S6d-IDR to update the STN-SR in the MME/SGSN.

UE SRVCC Capability

접기/펼치기 This information element indicates the SRVCC capability of the UE. The possible values for the UE-SRVCC capability are: - UE-SRVCC-CAPABILITY-NOT-SUPPORTED (0) - UE-SRVCC-CAPABILITY-SUPPORTED (1)


접기/펼치기 This information element contains a CS Domain Routeing Number (see 3GPP TS 23.003) associated to the user identity of the request. The HSS shall make use of the operation MAP-PROVIDE-ROAMING-NUMBER towards the MSC/VLR to obtain this information and shall indicate the Suppression of Announcement to the MSC/VLR. This information element is requested by AS when all terminating services have been already executed, then HSS is only interested in the CSRN received from MSC/VLR.


접기/펼치기 This information element contains the IMSI that is associated with the IMS Public User Identity present in the request. See 3GPP TS 23.003 [11] for IMSI definition.


접기/펼치기 This information element contains all IMS Private User Identities associated with the IMS Public User Identity present in the request. See 3GPP TS 23.003 [11] for Private User Identity definition.

Subs-Req-Type AVP

type : Enumerated

알림 구독 요청의 유형을 나타냄

Subscribe0알림 구독
Unsubscribe1알림 구독 해지
접기/펼치기 The Subs-Req-Type AVP is of type Enumerated, and indicates the type of the subscription-to-notifications request. The following values are defined: Subscribe (0) This value is used by an AS to subscribe to notifications of changes in data. Unsubscribe (1) This value is used by an AS to unsubscribe to notifications of changes in data.

Expiry-Time AVP

type : Time

알림 구독에 대한 expiry time(만료 시간)을 나타낸다. 이 시간이 지나면 구독이 해지된다.

접기/펼치기 The Expiry-Time AVP is of type Time. This AVP contains the expiry time of subscriptions to notifications in the HSS.

Send-Data-Indication AVP

type : Enumerated

Sender 측에서 User-Data의 요청했는지 여부를 나타낸다.

접기/펼치기 The Send-Data-Indication AVP is of type Enumerated. If present it indicates that the sender requests the User-Data. The following values are defined: USER_DATA_NOT_REQUESTED (0) USER_DATA_REQUESTED (1)

One-Time-Notification AVP

type : Enumerated

Sender 측에 단 한 번만 알림(notify)하는 것을 나타낸다.


이 AVP는 UE reachability for IP(25) Data Reference에서만 적용된다.

접기/펼치기 The One-Time-Notification AVP is of type Enumerated. If present it indicates that the sender requests to be notified only one time. The following values are defined: ONE_TIME_NOTIFICATION_REQUESTED (0) This AVP is only applicable to UE reachability for IP (25)

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